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Organic Electronic Technologies P.C. (OET)



Organic Electronic Technologies P.C. (OET)



Year of establishment


Number of employees



Company profile

Organic Electronic Technologies P.C. (OET) is a Nanotechnology driven Start-up Company in the field of Organic & Printed Electronics (OEs). OET founded in 2012, based on the 25 years’ experience of its people in Thin Film technologies.

OET is a world leader in Roll-to-Roll fully printed Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) production and in the large area manufacturing of OLEDs and other OE devices like printed RFIDs, NFCs and Sensors.

OET integrates all processes and technologies (in line ps laser & optical metrology tools) into R2R Pilot and Production Printing lines (Inkjet, Slot die. Gravure, Screen Printing) with deep knowledge and experience in technological transfer to several industrial sectors like in Energy, Lighting, Greenhouses, Automotive, Buildings, Wearables, IoT and Smart Packaging applications. More specifically below, you may see OET’s technological know-how and the fields of expertise:

  • Production of fully printed Roll to Roll OPV panels
  • Large area manufacturing & Optimization of OLEDs, Sensors, Antennas by R2R printing processes
  • Optimization of materials and processes for R2R & S2S manufacturing of printed OE nanolayers & devices
  • In-line Optical Metrology & Quality Control on R2R printing lines & Gas Transport systems
  • In-line Laser processes & laser patterning/scribing/cutting solutions
  • Design, Development & Prototyping OEs in various Applications & Demonstrators
  • Development of Quality Control Platforms with automatic decision processes
  • Development of Instrumentation and Systems, like Inkjet printers and Laser systems for R2R pilot and production lines
  • In-line Optical Metrology & Quality monitoring of printed and vacuum processes for manufacturing organic and inorganic nanolayers
  • Methods and methodologies for in-line determination of film thickness and quality during printing processes for the production of organic electronics
  • Robust encapsulation methods using high barrier films for OPVs, OLEDs
  • Licensing services & products
  • Technology transfer in OE devices
  • Turn-key Solutions for Manufacturing high Performance OEs and Instrumentation & Systems thereof

Moreover, OET presents world-class competences and expertise to execute projects as is co-funded by the EU Commission to be partner on two Horizon 2020 CORNET & SmartLine and on two FP7 SMARTONICS and GLADIATOR .

OET owning patents and IPs on in-line optical metrology and laser patterned methods on OE nanolayers and devices, R2R manufacturing of OPVs and OLEDs and its applications thereof, as also and know how on encapsulation methods.

OET works at the Center of Organic & Printed Electronics Hellas (COPE-H), closely with Nanotechnology lab LTFN of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Finally, OET interacts and networks with Clusters, Associations and European Projects. OET is an active partner and co-founder of the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association (HOPE-A) that interacts with more than 400 industries. Also, OET is a member of the international Organic and Printed Electronics Association (OE-A) and member of NanoNet Network ( that has >600 individual members worldwide and >1200 cluster members in Nanotechnologies & Nanobiosciences.

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