Ξάδερφος Skywalker | Skywalker.gr - Jobs in Greece

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Everything you need to find a job

Did you know that you have a cousin who can help you find a job? Who, since May 1999, has been collecting job ads from all over Greece? A cousin trusted by most Greek companies regardless of their size and industry?

Did you know that your cousin has been posting these ads online for 23 years and that during the tough years of the crisis, he was printing them in a free newspaper distributed all over Greece?

Have you heard that this cousin also organizes free seminars, workshops, festivals, and other activities to bring those interested in job positions closer?

Did you know that all these years your cousin has helped more than 1,000,000 times his cousins to find jobs without ever charging even a simple ticket?

Its time to get to know each other…

We are App 'n' running!

You'll be able to quickly and easily find your dream job from your mobile phone!

  • Create your profile
  • Send your CV straight away
  • Save your favourite companies and receive alerts
  • Set up a job alert
  • Upload a 10’’ video and quickly introduce yourself

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